Sales Tax Return & Income Tax Return in Pakistan

Syed Ali Shabbar
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


For most people living in Pakistan, filing taxes can be a confusing and time-consuming process. With different types of taxes, varying tax rates, and complex filing requirements, it can become overwhelming and frustrating. Fortunately, the process does not have to be difficult or intimidating. By understanding the basics of sales tax return in Pakistan and income tax return in Pakistan, you can take the necessary steps to ensure you file your taxes correctly and on time. In this article, we will discuss the basics of both types of taxation as well as some tips on how to make filing your taxes easier.

What is the Sales Tax Return in Pakistan?

A sales tax return is a document that is filed with the government that details the amount of sales tax collected by a business. The return is used to calculate the amount of taxes owed by the business. Returns are typically filed on a quarterly or annual basis.

In Pakistan, businesses are required to file a sales tax return on a monthly basis. The return must be filed by the 20th day of the month following the month in which the sale was made. For example, if a sale was made in January, the return must be filed by February 20th.

The return must include information such as:

The name, address and registration number of the business

The period covered by the return (monthly, quarterly or annually)

The total value of all taxable sales made during the period

The total amount of sales tax collected on those sales

The total amount of taxes owed for the period (if any)

The Different Types of Income Tax Return in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there are four types of income tax returns:
1. Salaried Person: A salaried person is one who is employed and draws a regular salary. The income tax return for a salaried person is Form-1.
2. Business Person: A business person is one who is self-employed or runs a business. The income tax return for a business person is Form-2.
3. Agricultural Income Tax Return: This return is for those who earn their income from agriculture. The income tax return for an agricultural earner is Form-3.
4. Non-residents Income Tax Return: This return is for those who do not reside in Pakistan but earn income from Pakistan sources. The income tax return for a non-resident is Form-4.

Pros and Cons of a Sales Tax Return

Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the government on the sale of goods and services. The tax is levied at the point of sale, and it is the responsibility of the seller to collect the tax from the buyer and remit it to the government.

The main advantage of a sales tax is that it is a relatively easy tax to administer. The seller is responsible for collecting the tax, and there are few exemptions or deductions. This means that there are fewer opportunities for taxpayers to avoid paying their fair share. In addition, because the tax is collected at the point of sale, it can be difficult for consumers to avoid paying it.

Another advantage of a sales tax is that it can be used to raise revenue without increasing rates. This can be helpful when the government needs to raise money but does not want to burden taxpayers with higher rates. In addition, because a sales tax is generally imposed on all purchases, even those made online or out-of-state, it can be an effective way to level the playing field between local businesses and their out-of-state or online competitors.

Of course, there are also some disadvantages to a sales tax return policy. First, because different states have different sales taxes, it can be difficult for businesses with customers in multiple states to comply with all of the different rules and regulations. This can add complexity and cost to doing business. Additionally, some argue that sales taxes are regressive, meaning they disproportionately impact lower-income

What Are the Requirements for a Sales Tax Return?

Sales tax is a tax levied on the sale of goods and services. The tax is calculated as a percentage of the sale price. In Pakistan, the sales tax rate is 17%.

Sales tax is levied on all sales of goods and services in Pakistan. This includes sales made by businesses to consumers, as well as sales made between businesses. Sales made to customers outside of Pakistan are not subject to sales tax.

Businesses are required to file a sales tax return on a monthly basis. The return must include details of all sales made during the month, as well as the amount of tax due. Businesses with annual sales of less than Rs. 1 million are exempt from filing a return.

How to File a Sales Tax Return in Pakistan

1. Determine if you are required to file a sales tax return.
2. Gather your documentation.
3. Complete the online application or print and complete the paper form.
4. Include all of your supporting documentation.
5. Submit your return by the due date.


In conclusion, the filing of sales and income tax returns in Pakistan is an important responsibility for all citizens. It’s important to make sure that you understand the requirements of your specific province or territory when it comes to filing taxes. Knowing these rules can help you avoid any unwanted penalties or additional fees. Additionally, taking advantage of as many deductions and credits as possible will help ensure that you get the maximum refund from your return.

